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Same beautiful flowers - Same one-of-a-kind arrangements - Same talent - New business model

As you all know, 17th Avenue has been a nightmare for years now: no parking, construction all over the place, sidewalks torn up, increasing rent. It was no longer the place we moved into 23 years ago to set up shop to share our love of flowers with you. The cost of having a retail location on 17th Avenue no longer made sense - we were having a harder and harder time bringing the beautiful flowers we so love into your world.

So we made a change. We learned that Small Flower isn’t just a location, it's a love of sharing beautiful flowers, and we can do that anywhere.

We closed our 17th Avenue location and created a new business model. A model that more and more of you were using anyway - online and phone orders. It was just making less and less sense to pay for a retail location that wasn’t serving the vast majority of our customers.

We found an amazing studio space with mountain views where we can create the flower arrangements you love. We can also do bigger events, weddings and workshops like we never could in the old location. Many of you have been asking for workshops for holidays and special events that were during the day, now we can provide that. Our new studio space is turning into a wonderful home for Small Flower.

Sure, we don’t have regular retail hours like before but if you want to say “hi,” just give us a call and make sure we are around and not teaching a workshop. We love to see your faces. You can always reach us by phone between 9am and 5pm, Monday through Saturday. We will not be picking up the phone on all statutory holidays and Sundays (even we need a little time to recharge).


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